
domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Haunting Photo of Slave Children Found in North Carolina Attic

I thought it will be interesting to continue publishing these pictures to show the world how the thirst for power, and selfishness have reduced the quality of humanity to these levels. How in the name of money, and mistaken identity of superiority of human races, so many lives around the world are affected. In the faces of these two little children you can see so much misery. The picture is showing them as merchandise and their faces show they understand their predicaments. Even though slavery in the US and around the world has apparently disappeared, it still exists in the sweat factories of the US and all over the world, through the trafficking of children and young girls for sex or work purposes, through the abuse of dispossessed people who are lured to work in the worse conditions in order to be able to send some money to their poor families and of those who suffer coercive mental control. Paralell to the casual finding in a a garage sale of this historical picture, we could show hundreds of pictures of modern day slavery around the world: Asia, Africa, Central and South name it. There are organizatiosn which are nowadays working hard to find a solution to this problem. Please watch my new entry in which I have shared a video published by, ehich is very explicative of this situation. It made me cry and vow to myself that I will continue in my fight for justice and peace in the world...even if I do it in a small scale!!! Please read and watch both blogs.

Haunting Photo of Slave Children Found in North Carolina Attic

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