
miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Rafael: a light in the dark

Today was a day full of mixed emotions for me.  I made a long journey to visit Rafael, my friend's son, who is bedridden and fighting for his life in a hospital of NY, after an unfortunate car accident. It took me almost 4 hours to get there, after commuting through several trains in crazy NY.  I had to climb like 100 stairs of a broken escalator in 53rd and Madison and my heart never beated sooo hard. I had to walk several blocks and take a ramshackled taxi in a solitary town, before finally reaching my destiny.  One would have thought "never again" will I do this, as I did think before.
But after visiting my nephew (after seeing him grow all these years, I assume the right to recognize him as one of my dear relatives) and observing the rigidness of his body contrasting with the violent movements of his chest; after touching his arm and feeling the circulation of blood through his veins; after looking at the monitor by his bed where his vital signs are that moment I felt that just for this special instant in which I was taught about how compassion and love can bring comfort to the suffering and closeness to family and friends, any difficulty that I had to get there, was worth to be endured.   In some hours I observed how a human being's loving light, like the one that Rafael reflects, can be so intense that it can bring together the love that he has cultivated among his friends and family.  I learned once more that God has his "doings" and reasons for them, and in this case, this situation has taught a valuable lesson to many. I have learned that we go through this life with many resentments and blames, that we are sometimes selfish, that we walk in denial about what happens in our lives, but one sole happening like this one, can bring up the best of even those people which we didn't think would react positively and remember that this God to whom we pray to is the one and only and that his presence is very important to make us feel comforted and hopeful. I learned that every human being makes a difference in this world and that when things like these happen, they make you realize this; and that when he wakes up, he will feel so much comfort, assuredness and peacefulness, knowing that all the way he was carrying the leading torch for all those who didn't know their path.
Rafael is a poet, a leader, and I believe that God has given him a mission in this life.  He will live!!!

10 comentarios:

  1. Lucy my heart is with you ... I love you and so does your nephew Rafael ... Janette

  2. Janette: I really meant every word I wrote and I really hope he gets better soon.

  3. Dearest Lucy, This was so beautifully written and I know that Raf will appreciate all the love and concern that you have shown.....Gloria

  4. Dear Lucy, My nephew is a Poet and one day I hope to published all his beautiful writings .... you are an inspiration to all of us...
    Love Kathia Arce-Hersckorn

  5. Dear Lucy, my nephew is a poet, and one day I hope to publish all his beautiful writings are an inspiration to all of us ... Thank you Lucy,
    Kathia Arce - Hersckorn

  6. Raf's friend, Jeanette11 de junio de 2010, 2:52 p.m.

    That was beautifully written. Raf will love this.

  7. This is a beautiful tribute to Raf, his family and friends. You must be a very special person, God bless you.
    Barbara Simmons (Glo's friend)

  8. Rafael significa "Dios sana".

  9. Lucy... estoy leyendo en tu page... voy a leer este articulo 2 o 3 veces mas, para q realmente se me grabe en la cabeza y asi poder tener este mensaje presente y hacer "a world a better place".
    Gracias por tus palabras...dale un beso grande a Janette de mi parte.
    desde Noruega... un Inca-Vikingo

  10. Inca Vikingo: que lindas palabras. Por personas como tú, es que me animo a seguir escribiendo.
    Para todos los demás que tuvieron esas plabras tan gentiles con respecto a lo que escribí, se los agradezco mucho.
    Thank you for letting me reach your worlds and letting me know how you feel about a person who now, especially today, will be needing your prayers and faith while he is being operated.
