
lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Waris Dirie

This entry refers to some of the atrocities going on around the world in the name of male chauvinism and the use of religion to empower it.  This is also an entry which refers to other references I've made about forms of slavery around the world.  The story of supermodel Waris Dirie, now turned politic activist and fighter for women's rights, is a story of survival, is a story of redemption, is a story of re-evaluation of religious and cultural beliefs.  It is the  story of a brave woman who gave up her own personal gains, to fight for reassessment of women's rights around the world.  Please proceed to read this link and PLEASE offer a comment, initiate a circle of love...a circle of awareness with the rights of oppressed people all over the world!!!  Fight with her for all women that are enslaved in many ways around the world!!!

Waris Dirie Biography - Grew Up in Nomadic Setting, Modeled for Calendar, Published Autobiographical Novel, Selected writings

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