
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Peru Mucho Gusto

Recently, in an event held in the Organization of American States in Washington DC, Peruvian Cuisine was recognized as the Cultural Heritage of the Americas for the World. Fot that occassion, the 300 guests that attended received a wonderful gift which is a cooking book called "Perú, You are Welcome...Perú Mucho Gusto", produced especially by Prom Peru. In it, they offer the reader a look at the evolution and development of Peruvian Cuisine over the centuries, as well a selection of the most representative dishes of Peruvian cuisine, and the men and women whose inventiveness, dedication and efforts have positioned Perú in the first rank of world gastronomy.
Here, I offer you a picture of the book, which also tells you the history of Peruvian Cuisine in English. I wish they had also translated the recipes in English.

The book has beautiful full color illustrations of the Peruvian dishes.
The guests also received two sterling silver napking holders with the Peruvian Logo, recently adopted to advertise our products.  I took a picture of them.  I hope the picture is clear enough so that you can appreciate them.

Please read the next article about the placement of a Peruvian Restaurant, Astrid and Gastón from the peruvian chef Gastón Acurio, as one of the 50 best restaurants of the world.  Please press on the following link.
Where are the world's 50 best restaurants? (Hint: not in Canada) - The Globe and Mail

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