
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Man Records One Second of his Everyday Life for One year

New Yorker films one second of his life every day for a year - and will continue to do so for 'the rest of his life'
By Daily Mail Reporter
UPDATED: 01:13 EST, 8 March 2012
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A Brooklyn-based animator has filmed one second snapshots of his life every day for the past year and edited them to create a six-minute video.
Cesar Kuriyama, who began the project on his thirtieth birthday, has produced a film which records everything from world-changing events, such as the death of Osama Bin Laden, to the banalities of every day life.

The resulting footage documents a marriage, a funeral, long-term sickness, tender moments with family and friends, holidays, food and nature.
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Nature: Mr Kuriyama says he was forced to become adventurous to make his video more interesting
Kuriyama, whose Vimeo video is entitled '1 Second Everyday - Age 30', said: 'I spent a couple of years saving enough money to be able to take a frugal year off from work my entire 30th year of life... I spent it doing all the important things I never had enough time for... travel, my own creative projects, and family.'
Soon after starting the project, Mr Kuriyama said he was forced to make changes to his lifestyle to keep the video interesting.
I realised that I couldn’t even spend a couple of days on the couch without detracting from the whole video. Footage of my typical routine was, frankly, boring.
'The One Second Everyday project has helped me to maintain my creative drive, as I am constantly attempting to capture something noteworthy. It has become a perpetual reminder to wake up and seize the day,' he told the Telegraph.

Scenic: Mr Kuriyama films a city landscape from on board a flight
Hustle and bustle: The 31-year-old films cyclists in the city in May
Calm: Mr Kuriyama travelled to lots of different places to make his six-minute video
Out in the open: Mr Kuriyama captured two people in a canoe
Splash: A man is documented diving into a lake in August
Picturesque: The film maker has pledged to continue documenting his every day life for the rest of his life
Interesting: Mr Kuriyama, who said his daily activities used to be boring, in an exotic location
Cheeky: Mr Kuriyama films a squirrel who is keen to become a part of his project
But what started off as creative way to document his year off, has turned into a life-long project for the New Yorker, who was born in Lima, Peru.
'I'm recording 1 second everyday for the rest of my life. The benefits of reflecting back on my life so quickly have been extremely rewarding. I'd like to encourage everyone to try it,' Mr Kuriyama said on his Facebook page.
'If I live to see my eightieth birthday, I’ll leave behind a five-hour video that summarizes fifty years of my life,' he added to the Telegraph.
Mr Kuriyama, who turned 31 in February, plans to make a smart-phone app to help others produce their own life videos.

Self portrait: Cesar Kuriyama films himself
Food: The director visits a food market and films those buying fruit and vegetables
Engrossed: Mr Kuriyama films himself reading a book
News: The front page of a newspaper on the day that Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2
Celebration: Mr Kuriyama films a smiling couple during a wedding in May
Mourners: People pay their respects at the funeral of an elderly man
Sleepy: The animator films a yawning cat on a window sill during the summer
Sick: The lady in the footage remains in hospital for a considerable amount of time
Festive: Mr Kuriyama's loved ones smile as they receive gifts on Christmas day
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Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all Wow. This guy has a very sweet active life. Then I read most of this was from a year off he took. Now I am not so envious. Great idea though. Keep up the good work.
- Johnny Rivets, upstate New York, 08/3/2012 21:05
Click to rate Rating 2 Report abuse
This video made me almost cry. Seeing the ups and downs of life (from rainbows over waterfalls to hospital waiting rooms) so condensed really shows how bittersweet life is. It was NOT a waste of my time. If you hate how people post pictures/videos from their lives, because you don't want to peek into someone else's life and think it's a waste of time, maybe you are too self-involved. Feel some love for your fellow human, celebrate their triumphs and mourn their losses with them!
- Sarah, Somewhere, 08/3/2012 19:50
Click to rate Rating 2 Report abuse
Wow! Watching the unique memories of another person was like having someone ELSE'S life "flash before your eyes". Very interesting!
- MWeather, Riverside, USA, 08/3/2012 19:13
Click to rate Rating 3 Report abuse
If a life project such as this drives him to make his days more interesting, it’s no wonder the video can come across as a bit of a “show off” to some. But being a reflection of his life, this is a video that would mean so much more to him than anyone else in the world. And I say fair play to the guy, keep it going and live everyday to its fullest. I just wish I did something like that, maybe not everyday mind you!
- Sam, Milton Keynes, England, 08/3/2012 14:10
Click to rate Rating 35 Report abuse
I know someone who does this on Facebook. Personally, I find it a bit self indulgent and arrogant. What makes him think we want to look at one second from every day of his life? I would much rather live my own.
- Katie, London, 08/3/2012 13:55
Click to rate Rating 27 Report abuse
More of the typical "look at me" malarkey that we are used to seeing in America on Facebook. Where is his job? rich? welfare?
- Terry, SF, CA, 08/3/2012 13:48
Click to rate Rating 19 Report abuse
He gets about, I'm jealous. Love the squiral and what a big gob that yawning cat has.
- jo, Yorkshire,UK, 08/3/2012 12:24
Click to rate Rating 39 Report abuse
He gets about, I'm jealous. Love the squiral and what a big gob that yawning cat has.
- jo, Yorkshire,UK, 08/3/2012 12:24
Click to rate Rating 15 Report abuse
Yes but won't he be too busy to look for spectacular filmworthy moments to actually LIVE his life?
- Ellie, Grange, 08/3/2012 12:05
Click to rate Rating 20 Report abuse
'Enid, Brighton - It took you 4 minutes to write that?!- lucy, cheshire, 8/3/2012 12:52' When you get to 120 years young Lucy. And that's another 4 minutes gone.
- Enid, Brighton, 08/3/2012 09:23
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