
miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

The 2012 New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show

This last Sunday, April 22nd. some friends and I had our annual outing and visited the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Every year we try to go to different events that this interesting city offers, and one of them is this show.

Through the following pictures you will experience part of the thrill of the "real thing" and maybe, if you are a botanist or a dedicated gardener or an orchid collector, you will learn of the new species and of the way to take care of your valued specimens or simply admire the beauty of nature and see through them one of God's gifts to us. In a world of convulsion and worries, it is always wonderful to find oases like this one.
But let Patrick make the presentation...

Comment from NYBG:

For the 10th anniversary of the orchid show, we invited renowned botanist Patrick Blanc to create vertical gardens that incorporate thousands of orchids. In this short video, Patrick welcomes you to the show.

                                                                                   XColmanara Masai Red Orchidaesea

dancing lady orchids

jade vine

Mighty Sunset Orchidasere

Aloe Tree


Ananas: Stripped Red Pineapple

Rainbow Orchid

Bird of Paradise

cane orchid


Nun's Cap Orchid


Once we were done with the show, we still had time to take a free tram tour of the grounds, which ended in the Britton Science Rotunda and Gallery, a marvelous 19th century building which holds lots of nature treasures.

Thank you for your visit!

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