
miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Luminosidad: La Plata del Perú

Esta exposición, se ha mostrado primero en el Museo de Antropologia de la Universidad de British Columbia, Canadá    y ahora  está en el Art Centre de la Universidad de Toronto, Canadá, hasta el 9 de Marzo de 2013.  Este es un ejemplo de nuestro arte peruano y es un orgullo para nosotros que nuestro patrimonio histórico, artístico, cultural, tengan un valor especial en la comunidad internacional!
Les presento: Las Luces de la Ciudad: Luminosidad:  La Plata del Peru en el Museo de Antropología

Información de un periódico canadiense:

An exhibition curated by the UBC Museum of Anthropology
At the University of Toronto Art Centre
15 January to 9 March 2013
Pomander, silver, Huanuco, Barbosa-Stern Collection, Peru
This exhibition features more than 140 artifacts, including national treasures, assembled from a variety of sources – private and museum collections, as well as that of the Patronato Plata del Perú. The objects, which include regalia, sculpture, jewelry, paintings, crowns and masks, are drawn from four periods of the country’s history: pre-Columbian, colonial, republican and contemporary.
utac psilver photo 5 small Luminescence: The Silver of Peru
Above: Nose ornament, silver, Chimu, AD 1100-1450, Museo Larco, Lima Peru
The unique silver artifacts trace the history of silver in Peruvian culture and the recurring fascination with the metal’s divine and luminescent qualities in modern-day Peru. The exhibition is curated by The University of British Columbia’s Museum of Anthropology (MOA) Director, Dr. Anthony Shelton, in collaboration with the Patronato Plata del Perú.
“One can only imagine the incredible impact that silver must have had in pre-Columbian Peru. Garbed in the precious metal, radiating and reflecting the harsh desert light, the Incas and their predecessors would have appeared as deities,” says Dr. Shelton. “Even as the region underwent sweeping changes in subsequent centuries, the cultural importance of silver remained alive. In Luminescence, we explore what the incredible, reflective properties of silver have meant to Peru over time.”
In pre-Columbian Peru, bursts of bright light from silver regalia danced across royal courts, ceremonies, processions and battlefields. Items from the period include crowns, jewelry, costumes and banners, whose luminosity proclaimed the divine power and authority of Andean priests and rulers for nearly 2,000 years.
In the colonial era, the importance of the reflective properties and divine qualities traditionally associated with gold and silver were not forgotten despite the 16th century Spanish conquest. New techniques were developed to satisfy the novel demands of the Catholic Church and vice-regal elite, including the use of precious metals in paintings.
Peruvian Independence in 1821 introduced a new style of silverwork celebrating the country’s distinct flora and fauna.
Silver saw a decline in use in post-Independence Peru and would not be fully embraced by the country’s artists again until the 20th century. In the last section of the exhibition, contemporary expression fuses with traditional ideas and techniques. Many of its objects are winning entries from the Patronato Plata del Perú’s National Silver Contest, an annual competition that encourages the use of the precious metal.
Opening and Public Programs:
Tuesday 15 January, 2013
4:.30 pm: Lecture
1,000 Years in the Development of Techniques in Peruvian Silversmithing2013 peru nose web Luminescence: The Silver of Peru
Delivered by José Torres Della Pina, a Director of the Patronato Plata del Perú
University College, Room 140, 15 King’s College Circle, Toronto
6-8 pm: Opening reception
Please join UTAC Director Dr. Niamh O’Laoghaire, the exhibition’s curator, Dr. Anthony Shelton, President of the Pan American Silver Corp., Mr. Geoff Burns and the President of the Patronato Plata del Perú, Mr. Roque Benavides to celebrate the exhibition’s arrival in Toronto.
Wednesday 27 February, 2013 4:30 pm
The 16th Annual Hutchinson Lecture Co-Presented by the Patronato Plata del Perú
Expressions of Power: Material Symbols in the Americas
Delivered by Dr. Anthony Shelton, Exhibition Curator and Director of the UBC Museum of Anthropology
University College, Room 140, 15 King’s College Circle, Toronto
6-7pm: Reception
Presenting sponsors:
Pan American Silver Corp., The Patronato Plata del Perú, The Silver Institute, and CIBC
Contributing Sponsors:
Indus Travels, Manulife Financial
Media Contact:
Jackie Koffman – 416.628.5608,
Holmes Creative Communications
15 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H7
Exhibition Hours: Tues to Fri 12-5 | Wednesday 12-8 | Sat 12-4 | FREE Admission

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