
lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Gloomy Sunday Part 1 [English Subtitle] and Part II


The movie was released in 1999 and it is set in Hungary during and after the Holocaust and it tells a romantic story about a love triangle, but which escalates into a sad finale.
The song, which was written by an aspiring musician and songwriter, Rezso Seress, was also said  that it had a tragic effect on the people who listened to it. "In Vienna, a teenage girl drowned herself while clutching a piece of sheet music. In Budapest, a shopkeeper killed himself and left a note that quoted from the lyrics of the same song. In London, a woman overdosed while listening to a record of the song over and over.
The piece of music that connects all these deaths is the notorious “Gloomy Sunday.” Nicknamed the “Hungarian suicide song,” it has been linked to over one hundred suicides, including the one of the man who composed it. Of course, this might all be an urban legend.One thing’s for sure, though. “Gloomy Sunday’s” composer Rezso Seress did take his life, and the success of his greatest hit may have been a contributing factor." (Bill DeMain in Mental_floss).
The lyrics of the song where banned in Hungary, and later in England. Despite conflicting reports, the song was never officially banned in the U.S., though it was in England. In the early ‘40s, the BBC deemed the song “too upsetting” for the public, then later said that only instrumental versions could be played on the radio. In 1941, Billie Holiday recorded the definitive version of “Gloomy Sunday.”
During the Vietnam War it was banned to be played among the soldiers, because it was too depressing.
This is the song as recorded by this famous singer who also lead a very disrupted life which ended in tragedy:

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