
jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2020


 Dear Friends around the world:  Soon we will be celebrating one of the most wonderful occasions in the lifetime of the Christian world: the birth of Jesus, the messenger of love.  This year our lives have been deeply affected by a phenomenon, a tragedy of unexpected development; and for that reason, we have been distanced from our loved ones, from our favorite things, from a free stroll through the places we like so much.  But also, in the midst of this, we have discovered the real value of life, of those who have been around us,  of those with whom we have worked or are working with.  We have learned to see things in other lights, and even a walk around a house yard or through a park or around your own neighborhood has been a source of joy!  We have seen things we never thought were there and we have even looked for signals of our loved ones in trees or in the sky.  We have participated in virtual seminars, classes, family and friend zoom, virtual tours and so much more; and we have gained an insight into who we are and where do we want to go. We have been lucky to see the Christmas Star, an event that only happens every 800 years...a signal of good tidings!  I think we have been renewed as better people and we have learned to be positive and thankful for who we are and what do we really have to treasure.  We are ready to recognize and fight all that negativeness of current times and rebuild our times.  Best wishes for a magical Christmas and the power of LOVE!

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