
miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010


Today was filled with new emotions.  My husband and I drove to Valhalla to see Rafael. This was not like the first time in which I was almost frightened to see a bad scene.  This time I went in with a firm decision to see him and talk to him.  After so many days in coma, one hopes that anytime now he would give his parents and his family and friends, the gift of opening his eyes for us.
Beyond all those tubes and the life supporting machine, lies a peaceful face, a not so rigid body anymore, and an unseen mind, maybe fighting with his body, to emerge and express his first ideas after an unfortunate incident which has him prostrated in a hospital bed.  I remember watching a movie produced by the Spanish Director Almodovar, "Talk to Her". I was impressed by the enormous patience of the platonic lover and nurse of this girl, who through a long period of time talks and reads patiently to her in hopes that she will one day open her eyes and talk to him. At the end, and because of his constant dedication, she wakes up and is able to continue her fulfilling life.
Today at the hospital, I observed each and everyone of his friends and family...each one with stories of their own about how Rafael has touched their lives. I held his hand and asked for a response, and I felt its strong grasp; as he didn't want to let go and was trying to tell me to please stay with him; that he was frightened. In that moment I knew and learned more about the powerfulness of mind communication. I once read that when a baby grasps your finger for the first time, he grasps you for life.  With this experience, I felt that forever, anyone of us who had the opportunity to be by his side and felt his firm clutch have been captured by the beauty of his spirit and mind...and that when he wakes up, we will never be able to part from him...even if we are a million miles away from him.  He has touched and brought together people which in other circumstances would have taken life for granted.  And so we told him while he was sleeping.  Was he?  Love you Rafael: All of us; your beautiful mom and your dad and your brother and your aunts and uncles and your friends! And we will continue to tell you that, even after you are back to our lives!

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