
jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

The Battle Over Bottled Water

A call to environment protection and a negative attitude towards Corporation commercialization of their products and negative propaganda which manipulates the minds of consumers:  Let's start with bottled water consumption.
I bring to your attention an article and a video published by the NY Times back in March of 2010, but whose concepts are still valid now.

The Battle Over Bottled Water

“The Story of Bottled Water” accuses bottled water makers of wanton pollution and consumer deception.
The International Bottled Water Association responded with a video extolling the industry’s virtues.
Published in recognition of World Water Day, a video called The Story of Bottled Water (at right, on top), made its debut on YouTube this week, using animation and snappy narration to convey what its makers consider to be the evils of bottled water. (It comes from the same folks who produced ”The Story of Stuff” — an eco-themed viral video sensation from last year.)
Not missing a beat, the International Bottled Water Association, declared the new video to be sensational, and quickly posted its own minifilm, highlighting the sustainability practices of its members, which include major brands like Nestlé.
“The Story of Bottled Water,” in a nutshell, accuses bottled water companies of scaring consumers by saying that tap water is dirty and contaminated, while they themselves simply bottle tap water. “Pepsi’s Aquafina and Coke’s Dasani are two of the many brands that are really filtered tap water,” the star of the video, Annie Leonard, says.
She goes on to say that 80 percent of plastic bottles end up in landfills or are burned in incinerators.
But the International Bottled Water Association, using different statistics, says that water bottles are the nation’s most recycled plastic container, with a 30.9 percent recycling rate.
“Consumers are really quite thoughtful in selecting and enjoying a safe, healthy, convenient, calorie-free beverage that’s delicious, refreshing and a very smart drink choice,” said Tom Lauria, the association’s vice president of communications in a press release. “That’s the real story of bottled water.”
The association says that bottled water is a necessity — particularly in emergencies like floods, tsunamis and earthquakes.
“Lifesaving bottled water cannot be available in times of pressing need without a viable, functioning industry to produce it,” the association wrote.
But the United Nations, in a report released on Tuesday, emphasized that bottled water was not sustainable.
The report that found producing bottled water for the United States market consumed 17 million barrels of oil annually.
As of Wednesday afternoon, Ms. Leonard’s video had been viewed more than 120,000 times. The I.B.W.A.’s had received about 250 visitors.

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