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jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

The Butterfly Circus

Nick Vujicic, was born of Serbian parents in Brisbane, Australia,  with a disorder called Tetra-amelia, missing both arms at shoulder length and legless, with only two toes. When he was small, he was ridiculized by his classmates at school.  He even considered suicide at age 10, but thought about his parents and didn't go through with this.  With the help of his parents, he realized that God had major plans for him and at 17, he decided to start an organization called Life Without Limbs, to support people who had physical disabilities.  He has a double major in Accounting and Financial Planning.  He now lives in California and can manage to do everything by himself, like talking on the phone, using his computer, cooking, combing his hair, shaving, swimming...  He has dedicated his life to preaching and is a motivational speaker.  He also writes and promotes his work through TV shows.  He has written his first book: Life without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life, is marketing two inspirational DVDS for kids and has filmed a short movie: The Butterfly Circus. 
Please watch two videos: one related to his ordinary life and the other, his movie.

"The Butterfly Circus" which won the Doorpost Film Project's top prize of 2009,[10] and the Best Short Film award at the Method Fest Film Festival, where Vujicic was also awarded Best Actor in a short film. Butterfly Circus also just won the Best Short Film at the Feel Good Film Festival in Hollywood in 2010.
I loved these two lines which the circus owner says to the man without limbs:
"What the world needs is a little bit of marvels"
"The greater the trouble, more glorious the triumph"
And these two beliefs are what truly have driven Nick all through his life!
I have always thought butterflies are beautiful and messengers of good things.  I guess they make me remember of guardian angels. Their evolution, from an ugly cocooon to a beautiful being always has astonished me...  They are the symbol of rebirth.  I guess this film is somewhat about the rebirth of a human being, about the rebirth of his spirit, about how much one can give to others in the midst of their limitations. It also teaches us never to take for granted the gifts that nature, God, has given us.  To always be appreciative and thankful of what we have, of what we are...and to give, give, give!

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